Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Change (A post for work)

Who doesn't love change?  Some of us may have duped ourselves into thinking that we don't like change - but it just isn't true.  For instance, lets imagine a world where the weather didn't change.  That would stink, especially if it was stuck on golf-ball sized hail. Taking our imagination in another direction we might contemplate what life would be like if Bob never changed his clothes.  Oh - that might hit a little too close to home?  Fine - how about an existence where you couldn't change the channel.  Can you imagine non-stop Nickelodeon?  Or worse - the Lifetime Channel!  In addition, some people like change so much they beg for it on street corners.  What I'm getting at is that change is fairly desirable.

With that in mind, why don't we tell you about the wonderful changes happening here at CPS.  The changes are plentiful and pleasing.  Try not to get lost in the shuffle! (That pun will make sense here in a minute.)

Firstly - Duane Call will be making his way to a new cube all the way across the aisle.  He is going to be purchasing product.  He got so sick of paying for everyone's purchases that he decided he wanted to be the one spending the money instead of just paying for it.

Secondly - Naomi Rogers will be moving over to accounts payable.  Word on the street is she was willing to do anything as long as she didn't have to be next to me anymore.  She will get to learn from Duane before he makes his final departure.  Since she is taking over for Duane I have already booked her for rub-ix cubing blind folded during the entertainment portion of our Christmas Party.  I'm sure she'll pull it off without a hitch.

Thirdly - Brooke Berreth is joining the daytime C-Team here in the main office.  She has been chatting away on nights and weekends for awhile now, however, in the near future she gets to bring her gabbiness to a cubicle near you.  She won't be very busy over the next few weeks as she dabbles in full-time employment, marriage, honeymoons, etc.  Brooke is obviously someone who likes change.

Fourthly - G.J. Honda will be starting up as the new Night and Sat Chat Agent.  The "G" in G.J. stands for Gaydra.  Believe it or not - to this day - I still prefer Icy Hot to BenGay because when we were kids everyone used to say, "Hey, there goes BenGay."  It was a lame joke and I have never really gotten over it.  If you haven't already figured it out, G.J. is my sister and she lives in Colorado.  She will be teaming up with Jen to bolster the night chat team since Brooke is going full-time.  She has a degree in Kinesiology from Mesa State College and she is currently working in an orthodontics facility.  We are excited to have her starting soon.

Fifthly - Brandon Maestas has started in the UT warehouse.  We are glad to have him aboard in the picking area and we are glad to add another Brandon to the mix.  It is fun to see all the confusion in the office when we start talking about Brandon and nobody knows who we are talking about.  I live to see those looks . . . great fun for all.  Brandon has a degree in journalism from Utah State University.  He was most recently working for a company called Raincity Management where he helped produce, install, and dismantle trade show exhibits for very large companies.  We are excited to have him aboard.

Sixthly - Will Mathews will begin working in the KY warehouse in about 2 weeks.  He comes to us with some warehouse know-how already as he has worked with UPS for the past 6 or so months.  He also has worked as a photographer for a big chunk of his working career.  We are excited to hear that he is way cooler than Carey Shiffer, which, after consideration, really isn't all that difficult.  We are also very excited to have him as we are a little shorthanded in KY right now. We hope to be making another hire in KY soon.

Thusly - Thus we see that changes will be happening all around us.  The time frame for these various changes are, shall we say, fluid.  We don't know when all the changes are happening we just know that the changes will happen and that they will happen when they are supposed to happen and not until they are supposed to happen.  If you happen to walk by or be near some of those most affected by the changes - you should just happen to congratulate them as you see fit.  I happen to think that happen is one of the weirdest words in the English language.  I also happen to think that it is time for this post to be finished.  And thus it is.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think "happen" is as weird as "peculiar". But i think this post just happens to be one of the more peculiar ones I have read. Still, looks like peculiar things are happening at CPS.
