Monday, July 16, 2012

Work Post - If the Boot Fits

There are all kinds of boots in the world.  There are cowboy boots, dress boots, and my and Napoleon's personal favorite - moon boots.  Now there is a saying that has stood the test of time that says if the boot fits, you should wear it.  Is this good advice?  I'm not so sure.  I have seen some hideous boots in my time and I'm pretty sure I did the right thing by steering clear of them.  Just imagine if we applied this to other articles of clothing.  If the dress fits - wear it.  --- Curtis!! Nooooo! Put the dress down! --- So with that image in the forefront of your mind; why did people from long ago decide that we should wear any boot that seemed to be the right size, as it seems obvious that other factors should determine if you should put it on or not?

Well - I have recently discovered that this saying isn't really referring to footwear.  It is actually a beautiful metaphor referencing the character of an individual and the need to accept one's personality traits as their own.  Isn't it incredibly liberating to see this phrase in such a new light? No more looking over your shoulder wondering if your civil disobedience will go unnoticed while you bypass another pair of shoes that appear to be your very own glass slipper.  Life can begin anew.

All of this is to bring your attention to the geographical oddity that is the Boot of Italy.  Does the boot fit CPS?  Lets do a little "trying on" to see if we have a little more Italian blood in us than we thought.  Here are the Top 5 Reasons CPS does fit this boot:
  1. Mustaches - We have Movember and they have mustachios.
  2. Fashionable - We have Keith and they have themseleves.
  3. Collections - We have Brenda and they have the Mob.
  4. Mario Brothers - We have a CPS Video with an appearance of Mario and Luigi and they have Mario and Luigi.
  5. Pasta - We have a luncheon this Thursday (June 21st) at 12:00 where we will dine on fettuccine, rigatoni, and garlic bread.  They eat this stuff everyday.
Are we a perfect fit?  Probably not since our parking lot is none too full of Ferrari's and Lamborghini's. And perhaps there are a few other subtle differences like not being on the Euro (thank heavens), the average length of a work day (don't get any ideas), and the minor differences to be found in our tourist attractions.  However, I think we can squeeze into the boot for about an hour on Thursday.  If we keep the boot on much longer than that we might start to get blisters.  PS - don't forget your jeans.